Lit News

Finding Penrose: A Decades-Long Promise Brought to Life

It was a promise made over forty years ago that has now blossomed into a captivating true story poised to captivate audiences worldwide. Author Paula Sheridan’s lifelong commitment to honouring the legacy of Penrose Matsile has resulted in the upcoming release of “Finding Penrose” – a powerful narrative that has already captured the hearts of celebrities and film producers eager to bring Penrose’s story to the silver screen.

As a young woman growing up in South Africa, Sheridan was blessed to have Penrose, a guiding “grandfatherly” figure, profoundly shape her during the country’s darkest times under apartheid. At just 20 years old, Sheridan vowed to one day write Penrose’s extraordinary story, a pledge she’s steadfastly kept despite the twists and turns of her own life journey.

Now, four decades later, Sheridan is thrilled to be launching the “Finding Penrose” book via a Kickstarter campaign, providing an opportunity for readers to be among the first to experience this inspiring true tale. For those eager to be part of this extraordinary journey, the “Finding Penrose” Kickstarter campaign offers a unique opportunity. 

Supporters will have the chance to secure one of only two “Named Character” roles, be a “Named Speaking Character,” or even have the book dedicated to them or a loved one. These exclusive “Lifetime Gifts” provide a rare chance to be immortalized within the pages of this remarkable true story and written into a book that is poignant, thought-provoking, and heart-breaking.

“Penrose’s quiet courage in overcoming unthinkable hardship is a testament to the indomitable power of the human spirit,” says Sheridan. “His story deserves to be heard, and I’m honoured to be the one entrusted with sharing it with the world.”

The growing buzz surrounding “Finding Penrose” serves as a testament to its compelling narrative and the profound impact it could have on readers worldwide. Already, the project has captured the attention of celebrated celebrities, as well as two renowned film producers – Chantelle De Carvalho and Nigel Wooll – who are eager to bring Penrose’s journey to the big screen.

Novelist, Laureate of the Golden Aster Award for Global Literature 2020, Pramudith D. Rupasinghe said: “Sensibly penned timeless story of resilience and fragility of being human.”

“Finding Penrose” is more than just a book – it’s a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit and the transformative impact of one man’s life. Through this Kickstarter campaign, Sheridan hopes to inspire readers worldwide and ensure Penrose’s legacy lives on for generations to come.

Finding Penrose Executive Producer, Asal Shirazi BEM, said: “Finding Penrose is a story that resonates with my humanitarian conviction for equality and showing empathy no matter the colour, race, conviction, or social standing. To show such resilience is admirable. To finally get what Penrose deserved is heart-warming, but tragic. Sadly, we only learn our lessons and open our eyes through human suffering. I’m honoured to be part of this incredibly moving true story. We have to feel the essence of Penrose before we can truly know empathy.”

To learn more about the “Finding Penrose” Kickstarter campaign and secure your own piece of this extraordinary story, please visit:

About Paula Sheridan:

Paula Sheridan is an award-winning entrepreneur, novelist, screenwriter, and author whose lifelong passion for storytelling has led her to create uplifting narratives that celebrate our shared humanity. As the founder of Book Luver and the Page Turner Awards, Sheridan has dedicated her career to championing the power of the written word. “Finding Penrose” is the culmination of a 40-year promise to honour the memory of a man who profoundly shaped her own life.

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