
Echo of the Waves by Vinayak Aralelimath – Utterly Atmospheric and Absorbing

‘Echo of the Waves’, written by Vinayak, is a remarkable illustration of his storytelling ability, providing readers with a thrilling blend of suspenseful twists of events and action through a mix cast of characters. With ease, the author conjures up hilarious atmosphere of engineering college and students’ idiosyncrasies, and eloquently evoking the cruelties of life and soft dreams of another important character named “Chetna”. Knotted brilliantly tales of two types of people, rather generations, the story marks its presence felt on the hazy boundaries that separate life from dreams. On the front, the book has two facades. The first part depicts stereotype college life of some young students, and Sandy is the lead there and throughout. In the next phase, these students are connected to Chetna, and she is connected to her dream of swimming. And between all that lies the dramatic unfurling narrative that Sandy drives single-handedly.

Sandy often lands his room/college friends in unexpected situations, in and outside the campus. That particular chemistry and their reaction among the group is a ride of fun. How naïve and immature a student’s phase can turn out – that capturing of feelings is one of the classic elements of the novel.

Sandy is the enigmatic character that drives Chetna out of misery to a dreamland. The second part of the novel sheds good amount of light on Chetna’s sweeps and back stories. But as due to her aquatic trait, she keeps her dream of becoming a famous swimmer buoyant.

Each echo of the waves reminded Chetna of the unexpected turn her life had taken. Destiny had let her to this very moment, and now her past hardships and life’s cruelties held no significance. All that mattered was the vast expanse of water before her.

When Chetna goes missing for a year, Sandy and other students grow dejected, feeling out of purpose in life. But with time a new twist comes inadvertently, and Sandy might get another chance to help Chetna pursue her dream.

A captivating story of trust, friendship, and simmering romance ensues as their mutual objective forces them to collaborate.

As all characters go through personal battles in some degree, I truly enjoyed reading about their intrinsic development. Their charming exchanges and nuanced flashes of vulnerability, in my opinion, are what really add charm to their relationship.

The suspenseful mix of peril, mystery, and sea adventure keeps readers on the edge of their seats, wanting to find out what is the ultimate fate of Chetna and Sandy. The suspenseful reading experience is enhanced by the constant building of tension. All things considered, ‘Echo of the Waves’ is an engrossing book that deftly blends adventure, and a few more intense themes of life. Readers are drawn into the novel by Vinayak Aralelimath’s captivating characters, complex world-building and gripping plot until the very last page.

TitleEcho of the Waves
AuthorVinayak Aralelimath
Edition Reviewed2024
The Asian Review Ratings8.5/10

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