Category: Guest’s Column

My Life, My Text…

When someone commits harakiri, he tears his stomach open with a dagger. A trusted man should stand by, to swiftly cut off the head in a single stroke. This is done as soon as he has made the initial incision. Mishima’s military coup failed miserably, and he proceeded to rip open his stomach.

My Life: My Text – Charu Nivedita, Episode 04

My mother and Naina treated me like an emperor; there was no scolding or reprimand. My mother often remarked that I should have been born in a mansion, but instead, I ended up being born in that slum. Education was nowhere to be seen in her family – only one brother among my mother’s eleven siblings received an education.

My life, my Text: by Charu Nivedita (Episode 01) 

Charu Niveditha is a prolific writer. Bold, unapologetic and defiantly truthful wordsmith. His work has stirred up stagnant social settings, melted down the clouds of norms and mores, and boiled the wrath of the conventional schools of thought. With all of that, millions of readers have gathered around him from all over the world.